Vinny Scorsatto | NZBR
AI Artist

Masterfully weilding AI's Palette

Vinny Scorsatto: A Fusion of AI and Artistry

Vinny Scorsatto, more famously known in the digital domain as NZBR, is an AI artist from Brazil, now immersing himself in the diverse landscape of New Zealand. He masterfully merges vivid color palettes and materials, yielding enthralling artworks that are a testament to his unique style.

The Static Vault Presents: Vinny Scorsatto – NZBR

All pieces showcased below have been collected, curated, and priced within the Static Vault. All prices listed are a reflection of the personal value placed by the collector.

Additional insight and research

Click below for additional links and insight to help gather information about this artist, their history, their work, and their potential future goals.

Always be sure to DYOR before collecting art or investing in any Digital Art, Assets, or Currency. 

These tabs below will help begin providing a pathway to learning more about the artist and the future that they look to build with their creative talents. They are in no way an endpoint, and I would highly encourage anyone collecting any digital assets to do as much research as possible to establish any and all risks.

(Additional wallets may exist for this or any artist.) 

These link(s) will take you directly to the artists current focus and any highlights for their art and vision.

(Always be sure to check their social accounts, website, and/or links page for additional updates)

Below are a few link(s) to help further your research and find insight about the artist on the Tezos Blockchain. 

The Following are link(s) to help further your research and find insight about the artist on the Ethereum Blockchain.  

Find link(s) below to help further your research and find insight about the artist on the Solana Blockchain.  

Link(s) below to help further your research and find insight about the artist on the Cardano Blockchain.  

In addition, here are a couple of key search engines to use and already set to search the artist to help get you started.

Also be sure to check these link(s) below curated by the artist.